Tuesday 10 October 2017

Auto Accident Attorney in Sherman Oaks & Tarzana, CA

Law Office Of Sonia S.Amin - Personal Injury Attorney, Car Accident & Immigration Lawyer Encino have the experience and the legal know-how necessary to guide our clients through the complicated legal process of moving forward after an auto accident. If you've been injured in a California car accident, contact us today, your new Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer. When an injury changes your life, you need help.  Contact Law Office of Sonia Suraya Amin (818) 995-9457 who has represented clients throughout California.

Hire Car Accident Attorney in Sherman Oaks CA

Squealing tires, blaring horns, shattered glass, and slow-motion moments pass before you realize you've been in an accident. You're hurt, confused, and worried about your passengers, your car, and the driver. To make matters more frustrating, the accident was the other driver's fault and he's denying any responsibility.

This is when you need to contact the Law Offices of Sonia Suraya Amin - Auto accident attorney in Sherman Oaks (818) 995-9457. We have successfully represented clients in and out of court throughout Southern California. We will hold the drivers who are responsible for your accident accountable for their actions and stand up against insurance companies that may try to undervalue your claim. Get the compensation you deserve for vehicle repairs, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering—call the Law Offices of Sonia Suraya Amin (818) 995-9457 today. The initial consultation is free, confidential, and hassle free.

Hire Car Accident Attorney in Tarzana CA

After the Accident: After a car accident Lawyer in Tarzana, there are several things victims can do to protect themselves against insurance adjusters and others who might try to undervalue their claims. Use the following guidelines to do what you can to keep your rights intact. Don't sign anything from an insurance adjuster without first talking to the experienced attorneys the Law Offices of Sonia Suraya Amin Auto accident attorney in Tarzana (818) 995-9457. You may be signing away rights to future compensation. The insurance adjusters are sharp and may ask incriminating or leading questions that could damage your claim in the future. Take pictures of the accident and wreckage, if you're able. Photographic evidence is very difficult to dispute. 

Visit the doctor right away. Delays can cast a negative shadow on your case. Don't let the insurance adjuster choose a doctor for you. You have the right to a physician of your choice. Keep records of all treatment received, medications prescribed, and medical recommendations given by the doctor. Report the accident to your insurance company right away. Any delay could hurt your case down the road. Write everything down after the car accident, from prescriptions and services rendered, like lawn mowing and household services, to how you felt. Six or seven months after a car accident, it may be difficult to recall how painful it was to do something as simple as climb the stairs or pull a shirt over your head. Records like this can help guard against insurance adjusters who may try to say that you're exaggerating the pain.

Auto Accident Attorney in Sherman Oaks & Tarzana, CA

Law Office Of Sonia S.Amin - Personal Injury Attorney, Car Accident & Immigration Lawyer Encino have the experience and the legal know...